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I've always been a bookworm. My childhood memories are infused with, and often linked to, the book I was devouring at the time (lots of them involve Agatha Christie novels which would suggest my childhood was heavily influenced by murder and deceit!). Even now I spend a lot of time in the imaginative world of my own head, weaving plot lines and creating the worlds they inhabit. I love Disney Pixar and Dreamworks movies and when I am writing I see the story playing out as a film in my head that I am translating onto the page. When I stop writing I 'pause' the film.

Favourite childhood books? 'Eloise In Paris' Kay Thompson and 'The Magic Faraway Tree' Enid Blyton.

Favourite things? My gorgeous six children Cecily, Louis, Gabriel, Honor, Inigo and Oscar; my husband Terl; strong coffee; laughing; twinkly lights.

Favourite meal? Chips and Champagne.

Favourite flower? Honeysuckle. The flowers smell delicious.

Favourite colour? Green...and orange...and I wear black a lot but that doesn't count as a colour does it?

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